Ongoing Intiatives

Representation in Education

Many studies indicate significant mental health stresses in underrepresented minorities. Ethnic and racial minority individuals bear a higher burden of disability resulting from mental disorders, and individuals from all underrepresented minorities are less likely to receive mental health care. Research on representation in media has shown that it has a significant impact on how we interact with individuals both within and without our own race or ethnicity - this includes the content children interact with in their classrooms. Inclusive learning environments help demonstrate to students of all backgrounds, ability levels, gender identities, and family situations that they matter by providing them with materials featuring people who look and sound like them.

In the face of increasing legal efforts across the country to continue to marginalize individuals who are part of underrepresented minorities, conscientious efforts to ensure our local schools and childcare facilities have materials that allow children to see positive depictions of people and characters who look like them lets families and parents know that we are a welcoming community, and has helped increase the presence of diverse and inclusive materials in our local bookstores and library.

Teachers who have participated in this project have stated that diverse classroom materials help empower students to believe that they matter, and allow students to be better equipped to live, connect, prosper, and have empathy in a society that is becoming increasingly global.

If you are a teacher or work in a childcare facility, or know someone who does, we strongly encourage you to apply now!

Leadership Literacy Library

The Leadership Literacy Library is a project funded by the McPherson County Community Foundation as a grant recipient in phase one of the Mastermind McPherson Initiative. By improving access to leadership materials and more people in McPherson speaking the same leadership language, we can spearhead progression our toughest challenges together. These reading materials are intended to be used for group study and discussion by anyone in McPherson County.

Books are now available at McPherson Public Library, Moundridge Library, and Lindsborg Public Library, USD 422, ESSDACK as well as through the Libby Library app.

The Leadership Literacy Library is a project funded by the McPherson County Community Foundation as a grant recipient in phase one of the Mastermind McPherson Initiative. By improving access to leadership materials and more people in McPherson speaking the same leadership language, we can spearhead progression our toughest challenges together. These reading materials are intended to be used for group study and discussion by anyone in McPherson County. Contact your library for information on how to utilize this resource.

McPherson Pride

As part of our efforts to encourage a view of McPherson as a welcoming, accepting local community, we plan and host a local Pride celebration in June every year. Past attendees have mentioned feeling happier and liberated to have a space to openly celebrate their identities, that a safe and supportive community helps save lives and is critical to the well-being of many underrepresented individuals, and that there are many adults and children in our community who struggle with feelings that they are unaccepted who are finally being given the space to express themselves and feel loved as individuals.

Over the few years we have been hosting this local Pride event, our numbers have grown astonishingly - the first Pride celebration had just over 100 attendees; 2022's Pride event had 775! We are so excited to provide a place for people from all over to have a place to be themselves or to support and celebrate their friends and neighbors.

2024's Pride Event will be our 5th anniversary, and we're planning it to be bigger and better than ever, with an Enchanted Forest theme! Join us Friday, June 7th for an adult-only drag show, and Saturday, June 8th for our family-friendly festival and march. Planned activities include: So You Think You Can Drag, a fashion show, a themed costume contest, karaoke, a free dance lesson, and a Cornhole tournament. Of course, there will also be plenty of vendors and drag performances! Keep an eye out here or on our social media for more updates.

Gender-Affirming Haircut Fund

Many thanks to our friends at Integrity Salon & Spa for taking proactive steps in providing affirming service to clients. We've partnered with them in establishing the gender affirming haircut fund to provide free haircuts to folks who would otherwise be unable to afford one.  Bookings can be made by calling Integrity Salon & Spa at (620) 241-1004 and verifying fund availability.

If you're interested in contributing to this fund, please visit Integrity Salon & Spa or email 

Eligibility & Restrictions: